You made the right choice! This is it. Movies! Our bread and butter. The ties that bind. The reason Pro Machina was formed. A production company devoted to using practical effects as the foundation for the stories we tell.
We’re not consulting a dictionary here, but we’re using the term practical effects to refer to any storytelling illusion or physical trick captured in camera. So - a special effect that isn’t created with a computer after production wraps.
What do we have against computers? Nothing. We used them to create this website and to Google the term practical effects. However, leaning too heavily on CGI (computer generated imagery) can lead to Band-Aid problem-solving and Superman’s upper lip.
Is practical always better? In our unbiased opinion, yes. Just kidding. No. The best is a balance of both practical and CGI. A marriage of the two. But having practical as the foundation for storytelling often gives the director more naturalistic control.
More like flour and milk at this point, but our goal is to continue churning out unique feature films with talented artists. What’s that you say? “Don’t sell yourselves short. Making a couple of feature films and several shorts is a huge accomplishment.” Now that you mention it, that’s true we did… wait, no, it’s just a drop in the bucket! We're just getting warmed up.
© 2024 Pro Machina Incorporated