An old television sits in an old living room. Its screen displays Pro Machina's work, with the on screen button changing the channel to a different piece of Pro Machina's workAn old television sits in an old living room. Its screen displays Pro Machina's work, with the on screen button changing the channel to a different piece of Pro Machina's workAn old television sits in an old living room. Its screen displays Pro Machina's work, with the on screen button changing the channel to a different piece of Pro Machina's workAn old television sits in an old living room. Its screen displays Pro Machina's work, with the on screen button changing the channel to a different piece of Pro Machina's work
A still clip from the short film Playtime
A still clip from the short film Batfished
Wellwood Movie PosterA green circle that highlights the old television button that users click to change the channel on the old television, showing a different piece of Pro Machina's work
Still from Harbinger Down, crew members on a ship deckA green circle that highlights the old television button that users click to change the channel on the old television, showing a different piece of Pro Machina's work
A still clip from the short film Batfished
Wellwood Movie PosterA green circle that highlights the old television button that users click to change the channel on the old television, showing a different piece of Pro Machina's work
Still from Harbinger Down, crew members on a ship deckA green circle that highlights the old television button that users click to change the channel on the old television, showing a different piece of Pro Machina's work
A still clip from the short film Playtime
A still clip from the short film Playtime
A still clip from the short film Batfished
Wellwood Movie PosterA green circle that highlights the old television button that users click to change the channel on the old television, showing a different piece of Pro Machina's work
Still from Harbinger Down, crew members on a ship deckA green circle that highlights the old television button that users click to change the channel on the old television, showing a different piece of Pro Machina's work

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A grey film reel that acts as an pressed toggle button for the website menuA green film reel that acts as an unpressed toggle button for the website menu


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